House extensions


Expand Your Home

For house extensions we can collaborate with you to adapt your home to achieve more open plan living, making more space or providing additional rooms.

Whether you're aiming to add more room for your family or create a functional living area, our design solutions ensure that your property becomes more spacious and tailored to your needs.

Tailored Designs

Every house is unique, and so are your needs. Our team works closely with you to understand your lifestyle, preferences, and the purpose of your house extension. We tailor each design to suit your specific requirements, ensuring it complements your home's existing architecture and enhances its overall appeal.


Exterior of a modern home

Expertise and Experience

With years of experience in Manchester's architectural landscape, we bring a wealth of knowledge to the table. Our expert designers are well-versed in local regulations, and construction methods. Our goal is to create house extensions that feel like a natural extension of your home, both inside and out. We pay meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that the new space seamlessly blends with your existing property while optimizing functionality.

We understand the importance of cost-effective solutions. Our team works diligently to provide house extension designs that maximise your space and value while staying within your budget constraints.
